Define Happiness for Yourself then Take Responsibility for It!
Happiness is a Deliberate Act of Vigilance and Awareness. I argue that happiness should not be left for others to define in movies and dictionaries; I also contend that you have a Responsibility to write your own Definition for Happiness. Read more…
Happiness is not an esoteric state of being that is ephemeral and out of reach; it is a deliberate pursuit of bringing “The Good” to the reach of those around us. Happiness lives in Action not passivity; and does not have a Dollar amount attached to it. Happiness is a Multiplier and expands without needing to be divided into smaller portions; like the ancient Sanskrit quote says: “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.” -- Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Unfortunately, Happiness has “blockers” that are at times self-imposed; for example, the automatic scripts that run in our minds that tell us we are not good enough; not worthy of the rewards we seek for ourselves. Negative Self-Talk plagues all of us, and these automatic scripts play in a loop all day long sometimes without us having a say in the matter. We must realize we cannot stop these scripts per-se, but we can override them with Mantras and Affirmations; and this is where the “Action” part comes in - we have to make time daily to sit down and start creating new scripts that empower us; Self-Talk that nurtures the positive goodness in all of us.
Some Mantras and Affirmation examples below Graphic:
Create your own Definition for Happiness! Here’s mine: “Happiness: The State of being Fully Present in this moment with a sense of Purpose and Gratitude.”
Here are a few examples of Positive Self-Talk Scripts that you may want to alter to sound like you and place them all around your life, so you are forced to interact with them:
“I Nurture my Spirit for ‘the Good’ Daily!”
“I am Grateful for my Parents and Friends!”
“I am Proud of myself for being a Hard-Worker!”
“I find Joy in the simple moments in life, like Walking.”
“I am Special and Unique; nobody else in the world is exactly like me.”
“I Choose Happiness, Peace, and Gratitude today.”
“I am of Value and have Purpose in this world.”
“I am Responsible for my Happiness; and I will Spread it freely!”
“I am Kind to others and to Myself.”
“Today, I Will take a moment to inhale Gratitude and exhale Fear!”
Positive Self-Talk will Not replace Negative Self-Talk overnight; you have to be vigilant day in and day out; make time daily to work on your Affirmations, and remember that ‘the negative’ finds a home in your mind faster than ‘the positive;’ you really have to nurture ‘the positive’ for quite a while for it to become comfortable in the halls of your mind.
Happiness is a Deliberate Act of Vigilance and Awareness. I argue that happiness should not be left for others to define in movies and dictionaries; I argue that you have a Responsibility to write your own Definition for Happiness. You may even borrow others’ versions of it, but make sure you shape it to sound like you, and it must feel right for who you are today. Allow me to share my Definition: “Happiness: The State of being Fully Present in this moment with a sense of Purpose and Gratitude.”
Let me end with these quotes, from Epictetus: “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” This second quote by Dennis Waitley resonates with me because at its heart is The Taking of Responsibility: “Happy people Plan Actions; they don’t plan results.”
Author: Key Yessaad is a Highly Skilled Real Estate Strategist, Trainer, and Coach, with over 20 years of Experience empowering Brokers and Agents develop the Skills and Habits they need to Achieve Success. He is a Listings' Strategist, Production Coach, and has created Innovative Real Estate Training Programs and Success Approaches such as the #10WeekTraining Programs and the Boot-Camp Success Workshops.
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